People express their mental status, including emotions, thoughts and desires, all the time through facial
expressions, vocal nuances and gestures. Mind reading machine is co-ordination of human psychology and
computer techniques. Some equipment are used to gather data &then analysed. To use those data for further
predication of mind is known as theory of mind reading. Existing Human-computer interface are mind –blind,
they are unaware to the user’s mental states and intention. Drawing Inspiration from psychology, computer
vision and machine learning, the team in the Computer Laboratory at the University of Cambridge has
developed mind reading machines-computer. That implement a computational model of mind reading to inter
mental states of people from their facial signals. The goals to enhance human-computer interaction through
empathic responses, to improve the productivity of the user and to enable application to initiate interactions
with andon behalf of the user, without waiting for explicit input from that user. There are difficult challenges:
Using A digital video camera, the mind-reading computer system analyses a person’s facial expressions in real
time infers that person’s underlying mental state, such as whether he or she is disagreeing, interested or bored,
thinking or confused.