It’s an era of high competition, dynamism and complexities which have forced organizations to change dramatically due to rising customer expectations. Marketers are under constant pressure to deliver finest to their customers. With the advent of technology, marketers have identified latest advertising media options to reach out to target audience. But the conventional ways of print advertisements still holds a deeper penetration and coverage. Various researchers and practitioners have studied the area of print media. The problem for the study is “consumer behaviour attitude towards print media advertisement with special reference to Kottayam district. The objective of this paper is to know the consumer behaviour attitude towards print media advertisement. The study aims to know the consumer behaviour in association with variables such as amusement, informativeness, credibility and nuisance. The study also knows the relation between influential variables and consumer behaviour on newspaper advertisement. The study is conducted in readers of Kottayam District. 81 samples were collected with structured questionnaire through google form. Simple random sampling method was adopted for the sample collection. This study is in analytical nature. The study conclude that there is direct positive relation between perceived amusement, informativeness, credibility and consumer behaviour attitude on print media advertisement whereas nuisance has direct negative relation with consumer behaviour And also the influential variables has direct impact on consumer behaviour