Mathew, M D; Nagesha, A; Kannan, R; Sandhya, R; Sastry, G V S; Rao, K Bhanu Sankara; Singh, Vakil(Procedia Engineering, 2013)
Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) tests were carried out on a modified 9Cr-1Mo ferritic steel (P91) under a mechanical strain control mode using a strain amplitude of ±0.4% and a strain rate of 1.2×10−4 s−1. In-Phase (IP) and ...
Mathew, M D; Mahesh, Sivasambu(Procedia Engineering, 2013)
A model capable of representing the evolution rate of various damage mechanisms pertinent to creep rupture of austenitic stainless steels is utilized to study the role of grain boundary sliding on the damage evolution in ...
Replacement of Mo and Nb by W and Ta in modified 9Cr-1Mo class of steels has been significantly useful for achieving reduced activity and improved mechanical properties. The addition of W and Ta strongly influences ...
Mathew, M D; Latha, S; Panneer Selvi, S; Mannan, S L(Procedia Engineering, 2013)
Creep properties of 14Cr-15Ni-Ti modified steel, alloyed with phosphorus and silicon were investigated at 973 K in the stress range 175-250 MPa. The phosphorus content in the alloys was 0.025 and 0.04 wt.%, silicon 0.75 ...
Mathew, M D; Jayakumar, T; Laha, K(Procedia Engineering, 2013)
Development of materials plays a crucial role in the economic feasibility of fast nuclear fission and fusion power plant. In order to meet this objective, one of the methods is to extend the fuel burnup and decreasing ...
Grade 91 steel is a heat treatable steel and hence its microstructure is very sensitive to temperature. The weld joint consisting of a heterogeneous microstructure exhibits a lower fatigue life than that of the base metal. ...
Reduced Activation Ferritic-Martensitic (RAFM) steels are actively considered as structural material for blanket module of fusion reactor for its adequate creep rupture strength and better void swelling resistance than ...
Mathew, M D; Srinivasan, V S; Sainath, G; Choudhary, B K; Jayakumar, T(Procedia Engineering, 2013)
Fatigue simulations on single crystal bcc iron have been carried out by using Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS) package. Finnis-Sinclair potential suitable for bcc iron has been chosen to ...
Mathew, M D; Vijayanand, V D; Nandagopal, M; Parameswaran, P; Laha, K; Mathew, M D(Procedia Engineering, 2013)
Titanium bearing 14Cr-15Ni stainless steel is the material chosen for the fabrication of the fuel clad tubes used in the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor which is under construction at Kalpakkam. The superior swelling ...
Mathew, M D; Paretkar, R K(Procedia Engineering, 2013)
Creep testing of notched cross-weld specimens was carried out at 873 K temperature and 300 MPa stress to study the effect of notch on creep properties of 316 L (N) SS weld joint. Various stress states were achieved by ...
Mathew, M D; Paretkar, R K; Charde, S R; Ballal, A R; Peshwe, D R(Procedia Engineering, 2013)
Creep tests on 316 L (N) stainless steel notched specimens with varying notch acuity were carried out and notch effect was studied. Various multiaxial stress states were generated by providing circumferential V-notch. The ...
Effect of nitrogen on the creep deformation behaviour and the dislocation substructure development and precipitation on creep exposure in 316LN austenitic stainless steel has been studied. Four heats of the steel with ...
Mathew, M D; Charde, S R; Prasad, M L; Paretkar, R K; Peshwe, D R; Ballal, A R(Procedia Engineering, 2013)
The present work focuses on testing of 316 L (N) steel in which varying degrees of multiaxiality are introduced with variation in the stress intensity factor, Kt. The specimens were tested under varying notch geometries ...
Mathew, M D; Rao Palaparti, D P; Isaac Samuel, E; Choudhary, B K(Procedia Engineering, 2013)
Creep-rupture properties of T91 steam generator (SG) tube steel have been examined at 923 K in normalised and tempered condition in the stress range 55-150 MPa. At all stress conditions, the creep deformation was characterised ...
Creep deformation and rupture behaviour of P92 steel has been examined at 923 K for stresses ranging from 75 to 150 MPa. The steel exhibited well defined primary, secondary characterized by minimum creep rate and prolonged ...
Creep rupture tests were conducted on plain and notched specimens of 316L(N) SS to assess the notch sensitivity of the material. The notched specimen contained a V-notch at an angle of 600 with root radius of 0.19 mm. The ...
Mathew, M D; Christopher, J; Sainath, G; Srinivasan, V S; Isaac Samuel, E; Choudhary, B K; Jayakumar, T(Procedia Engineering, 2013)
The paper deals with the prediction of creep behaviour of modified 9Cr-1Mo ferritic steel at 873 K using continuum damage mechanics (CDM) approach. Creep data as well as the quantitative microstructural information available ...
Mathew, M D; Ravi, S; Laha, K; Vijayaraghavan, S; Shanmugavel, M; Rajan, K K; Jayakumar, T(Procedia Engineering, 2013)
In the present paper, low cycle fatigue (LCF) behaviour of modified 9Cr-1Mo steel (P91 steel) and tungsten allo ed 9Cr steel (P92 steel) is presented. Total axial strain controlled fatigue tests were performed in air ...
Mathew, M D; Naveena, V D; Vijayanand; Ganesan, V; Laha, K(Procedia Engineering, 2013)
The present paper highlights the usefulness of impression creep technique as applicable to alloy development studies of a creep resistant austenitic stainless steel which has been used as structural material for Fast Breeder ...